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Aluminum Balusters in PT Railing

A deck is a cherished extension of our living space, providing an outdoor oasis for relaxation and entertainment. When constructing or renovating a deck, choosing the right materials is crucial for its longevity and safety. One common mistake some homeowners make is installing aluminum balusters in pressure treated railing. In this blog, we will explore the reasons why this combination might not be the best choice and discuss alternative options for a safer and more durable deck railing.

1. Galvanic Corrosion Concerns

One of the primary reasons to avoid pairing aluminum balusters with pressure treated railing is the risk of galvanic corrosion. Pressure treated wood contains chemicals like copper, which act as preservatives against decay and insects. When in contact with aluminum, these chemicals can cause a chemical reaction that leads to corrosion. Over time, this corrosion weakens the balusters and compromises the structural integrity of the deck railing.

2. Differential Expansion and Contraction

Aluminum and pressure treated wood have different thermal expansion and contraction rates. As temperatures fluctuate, the materials respond differently to the changes. This can lead to stress and loosening of connections between the aluminum balusters and the wood railing, resulting in an unstable and potentially hazardous railing system.

3. Aesthetics and Incompatibility

The combination of aluminum balusters with pressure treated wood railing can result in an aesthetically mismatched appearance. While aluminum balusters provide a sleek and modern look, they might not complement the natural warmth and charm of pressure treated wood. Opting for materials that complement each other in both aesthetics and functionality is essential in creating an appealing and cohesive deck design.

4. Maintenance Challenges

Aluminum balusters, when installed with pressure treated wood, can pose maintenance challenges. As the galvanic corrosion takes its toll, balusters might require more frequent replacement or repair. Additionally, the maintenance of the deck railing itself can become more complicated due to the need for specialized treatments to prevent or slow down the corrosion process.

Safer Alternatives for Deck Railing

1. Composite Railing Systems: Composite railing systems are an excellent alternative to aluminum balusters paired with pressure treated wood. Composites, made from a combination of wood fibers and recycled plastic, provide a durable, low-maintenance, and visually appealing option for deck railings.

2. Vinyl Railing: Vinyl railing is another popular choice for decks due to its weather resistance, easy maintenance, and longevity. Vinyl railing systems come in various styles and colors, offering both safety and aesthetic versatility.

When it comes to building or renovating a deck, making informed material choices is essential for its overall safety, durability, and aesthetic appeal. Avoiding the installation of aluminum balusters in pressure treated railing is a wise decision to prevent galvanic corrosion, maintain the railing’s stability, and preserve the deck’s visual harmony.

Consider opting for composite or vinyl railing systems, or stainless steel/powder-coated steel balusters paired with pressure treated wood to achieve a long-lasting and visually pleasing deck railing. By investing in the right materials, you can create a welcoming and safe outdoor space that you and your loved ones will enjoy for years to come.

If you’re looking at bringing your outdoor space vision to life, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts at West Shire Decks. With their extensive knowledge and experience, they can provide you with valuable insights and help you choose from a range of specific products that suit your budget and aesthetic. Contact West Shire Decks today and embark on the journey to transform your outdoor living space into a stunning and functional oasis!

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